Please join us for a Unique Virtual Zoomalloween Event with PNASC on October 31, 2020 at 6pm, PST.
Contests with Prizes await you. Prizes will also be given to the scariest, funniest and most unique background.
Intermission number by Jonathan Buencamino (Introvoys)
Hosts: Maria as Superwoman and Sasha as Mistress of the Dark.
Event is FREE.
Donations via Venmo (@PNASC-Nurses) will be accepted for PNASC's "give back to the community" projects.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 306632
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Meeting ID: 983 6901 7662
Passcode: 306632
Find your local number: https://californiacareercollege.zoom.us/u/aeh2iOTC9y
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